Astrological Consultations

Individual Natal Chart

We explore in depth the unique energy patterns in effect at the moment of your birth and how they pertain to your life in the present time. Your gifts and challenges are explored. Having knowledge of the SELF – a primary tool for your journey – can strengthen your confidence and sense of adventure to engage on the path ahead.

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Natal Chart Updates

Updates of your chart – the unfolding of your birth patterns – will help you pinpoint areas of focus for a specific time period. We explore your specific questions and concerns as well as what is emphasized in the chart. Astrological updates are like “weather reports” for the journey ahead, the important information to know as you travel the path. Your ability to perceive the trail markers, the HERMES STONES pointing out possible paths, is enhanced.

Secondary and solar arc progressed charts, solar and planetary return charts, and age point, transit and eclipse points are all considered in the analysis.

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Exploring the dynamics between two people or a child and parent(s) by comparing natal charts can promote understanding of one another’s needs. Couple consultations examine compatibility and the challenges between two people. Parent-child consultations focus on the child’s natural tendencies and the parenting needed to promote optimum growth in all areas of life. Individual natal charts and the composite chart (a relationship chart formed by individual charts) are analyzed. Having knowledge of the OTHER is a necessary component to creating peace and harmony while journeying together.

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Career Analysis

Our work makes up an important component of the life journey. Work provides a salary or income helping us provides food, clothing, and shelter for ourselves. Work, in a larger sense, defines our contribution to our community, family, or clan/tribe. Exploring your areas of interest and preferences, your temperament and mode of approach to creating or problem solving, as shown in your natal chart, can help direct you to PURPOSEFUL AND FULFILLING WORK on your journey.

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Relocation Charts

Your environment can make a difference – in your relationships, how easily you can accomplish your goals, the ease or difficulty in creating a spiritual life. Whether for a career change, for pleasure, or a permanent change of residence, the relocation chart can point out which of your natal energies will be highlighted by a different environment. Using astrological analysis, we can explore up to three separate, divergent places of your choice. On the journey we need to consider the ENVIRONMENT necessary for the path we want to explore.

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